Not content with infringing on the Second Amendment, the DOJ and ATF are also going after the First Amendment. In an open letter to US Marshal David A. Meyer who made the veiled threat, Mr. Codrea explains, in part (be sure to read the whole thing):
I understand you took Ryan Horsley aside at the conclusion of trial testimony and instructed him to advise me of the Court Security Improvement Act of 2007, specifically, “Inspector Meyer asked me to contact you in regards to posting any information with the intent to threaten, intimidate, or incite the commission of a crime of violence against that covered official… “
WTF? Reporting on what ATF agents are doing is somehow “threatening” and “intimidating” now? Last I checked, government agents work for us. We pay their checks via our taxes. We have a right to know what they’re doing, and we have a right to speak out against it. Furthermore, we have also have a right to peaceably assemble in order to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
But now they want us to shut up ignore their actions because talking about it somehow “threatens” them? What could be so “threatening” about the truth unless they have something to hide? It’s almost like cockroaches panicking when the lights come on. Only instead of having the decency to scurry away, the ATF cries that the big, mean bloggers are scaring them and ask the DOJ to start bullying people into silence.

Disclaimer: The picture above is a artist’s rendition created for the purpose of satire. Said picture is in no way intended to “threaten, intimidate, or incite the commission of a crime of violence” (nobody would hurt a baby, right?). No ATF agents, babies, or kittens were harmed in the making of this post. The management is not responsible for misuse of this image; nor for lost coats or handbags. Image void where prohibited. Offer good while supplies last. No rain checks.