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February 15th, 2008 — Uncategorized
As you’ve probably heard by now, there’s been another shooting in a disarmed victims zone. And, like clockwork, the media is giving the loon the attention he desperately wanted by splashing his name all over the place. In an equally predictable manner, the nanny fascists have descended like vultures to push their pet agendas..
On one side, The Brady Bunch are shrieking about how an “assault weapon” ban, limiting magazine capacity to ten rounds, and requiring background checks at gun shows would have prevented this. Never mind the fact the shooter didn’t use anything which was ever covered by any type of “assault weapon” ban. Ignore the fact the shooter’s primary weapon was a shotgun which, at most, would have held maybe eight rounds. Most of all, be sure to look over the details like how Illinois already requires background checks at gun shows, and that the shooter didn’t buy guns at a gun show anyway. We can’t let little things like facts get in the way of a little PSH, now, can we?
On the other side, my old pal Jack Thompson is already searching out TV cameras so he can blame it all on video games. Despite there being no information whatsoever about whether the shooter even played a single video game, Thompson “knows” it! Not only does he apparently have the psychic power to know that (before the shooter’s name was even released), he claims to have predicted the exact scenario in his book. He could at least use this magical power to tell me the winning lottery numbers in advance..
Amidst all this hand-wringing and finger-pointing, the only thing people don’t seem to be blaming is the shooter himself. It’s almost as if these people think the shooter is another innocent victim here, personal responsibility be damned.
February 11th, 2008 — Uncategorized
Today was the deadline for amicus briefs supporting Heller in the DC gun ban case. SCOTUSBlog has them all online right here for your viewing pleasure.
In between hanging up on non-stop robo-calls from Presidential candidates telling me to go vote for them tomorrow, I’ve been reading these all day. There’s so many great arguments in them, I’m not really sure where to start (or stop..) quoting. As such, everyone should just go read them all.
Considering the extensive legal and historical smackdown delivered by these, and the weight of 31 States, over half of Congress, and the Vice President on top, I’m beginning to feel confident that we’ll win this 7-2 or better. DC’s position just downright absurd in the face of all the evidence. If the Court somehow rules in DC’s favor, they might as well just throw the entire Constitution out of the window along side their credibility..
January 30th, 2008 — Uncategorized
It’s kinda been a few weeks since my last post. Not that it really matters since only like three people read anything here. But, yea, aside from a bunch of anti-gun bills being shot down in the VA legislature after the VCDL and other gun owners showed up in large numbers, there’s really been a lot of nothing going on.
For the most part, I’m really kind of burned out from trying to keep up with the election nonsense, and don’t really have much to say. As of now, it looks like we’ll be seeing Hillobama versus McCain for the Republicrat face-off in November. Despite Obama’s “change” rhetoric, his agenda is filled with the same old big government, socialist garbage as Hillary!â„¢, so it’s somewhat hard to say which is worse. McCain is a rather uninspiring candidate who will say whatever it takes to get elected (and pass laws limiting political speech to stay in power..), then randomly tosses constituents and bits of the Constitution under the bus depending on which way the political wind is blowing.
If the primaries do end up giving us such insipid choices, I guess they won’t mind if I “throw my vote away” and vote Libertarian..
January 12th, 2008 — Uncategorized
Via Arms and the Law, I see that amici for DC are online now. After reading the rather confusing brief from the U.S. Department of Justice, my next stop was the one by the Violence Policy Center. Given that they have a long history of spreading misinformation (including the invention of the term “assault weapon” in order to intentionally mislead the public), I was prepared to find plenty of doublespeak..
..until I got to the first(!) paragraph and saw this:
If the Court were to hold that private individuals unaffiliated with a militia have a Second Amendment right to keep handguns for use in their homes, the Court should also hold that such a right is subject to reasonable restrictions, and that the
District of Columbia’s handgun ban is an eminently reasonable restriction.
Wait, what? A total ban on handguns is a “reasonable restriction” on the right to own them?! So then would a total ban on books or even vocal cords would be a “reasonable restriction” on the right to free speech?
I’m, well, speechless. Seriously. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
Then a couple of paragraphs down, we find this gem:
The reasonableness of the handgun ban has become even more obvious since 1976. Since 1976, handguns have evolved to become even deadlier. Today’s handguns are increasingly designed to maximize lethality and mimic military-style weapons. Replacing the revolvers of thirty years ago, modern high-capacity semiautomatic pistols have the alarming ability– demonstrated all too often in mass shootings and the tragic deaths of innocent people –to kill more efficiently and more
effectively than their handgun predecessors. Affirming the court of appeals’ judgment would open the District’s doors to these modern semiautomatic pistols and other deadly handguns. Such a result would have catastrophic consequences.
“Modern semiautomatic pistols?” “The revolvers of thirty years ago?!” But, err, these “modern” semiautomatic pistols have been around for over one hundred years! By the 1930s, the Mauser C96, which was designed in 1896, had forty round mags available for it. Is that one of those “modern high-capacity semiautomatic pistols” which didn’t exist before “the revolvers of thirty years ago?”
If you believe that, I’ve got a patent on a new invention to sell you. I call it the wheel..
And on that note, my brain just exploded, so I think I’ll call it a night.
January 11th, 2008 — Uncategorized
The Northern Virginia Daily is reporting that Delegate Todd Gilbert has introduced legislation which would prevent public colleges from banning gun on campus. And just as they have before every other CCW law has passed, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership is predicting the hallways will run red with blood and stuff.
Of their more absurd claims, Ahab and SayUncle smack down the idea that Cho would have gotten a permit before killing thirty two people (as if the lack of permit stopped him), and Sebastian takes them to task for the idea that all college students are drunken murder suspects in waiting. They pretty much have that covered, so instead of adding a “x2,” I’ll point and laugh at this:
College students often drink heavily and sometimes use illegal drugs and engage in other risky behavior, Siebel said. A number of college students also attempt suicide.
“If you introduce guns into that setting, you’re going to wind up with more dead college students,” he said. Nor will requiring permits to carry on campus keep alcohol and guns separated.
Um, guys, heavy drinking and drug use generally take place off campus. You know, the places where people are already allowed to carry. So unless universities have started offering Beer Bong 101 courses, or have chemistry labs for cooking crack, guns won’t be “introduced” into settings filled with alcohol or whatever. The very nature of a classroom setting would, by default, “keep alcohol and guns separated.”
It seems Delegate Gilbert figured this out too, and asked the following question in the NVDaily article:
“If they’re gun owners already, if they’re carrying concealed already, and if they’re drinking already — which I assume, according to the Brady Campaign that all our students are drunken idiots — then where are the instances right now of drunken students shooting up their apartments, or going out into the parking lot and getting into gunfights with people?”
Excellent question sir. But of course they won’t be able to answer it because it has never happened..
January 8th, 2008 — Uncategorized
Slate has a rather interesting article today on the chorus of politicians crying out for bipartisanship so that the government can do, umm, well, they don’t really say. The article, however, lists a number of things that have gone wrong when government actually manages to agree on something.
When we devote ourselves to working together in the name of national unity rather than obsessing on our differences, injustice loves to strike. Writing slavery into the Constitution was perhaps the greatest triumph of nonpartisan compromise in U.S. history. The denial of suffrage to non-property owners and women ranks up there, as do prohibition, the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII, the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, and the so-called war on drugs, declared by President Richard Nixon in the early 1970s and waged bipartisanly by every president—Republican and Democrat—since.
From there they go on to to mention more current travesties such as the so-called Patriot Act, earmarks, and such. As well as discussing how the public and reporters love getting “drunk” off such fantastic “unity” speeches. It’s well worth a read if you haven’t done so already.
All in all, the urge to “do something” is probably the thing which annoys me most about modern politics. Especially when statists try to define progress as the process itself, with little regard given to the end result. For instance, in debates about Presidential candidates, one often hears claims that politician A is better than politician B because they wrote or sponsored more bills. What you seldom hear is any mention that 90% of said bills were useless things like naming post offices, or non-binding resolutions supporting an existing holiday. Even rarer is what percentage of said bills were actually bad, like, say, the Patriot Act.
But, hey, who cares just as long as it looks like they’re “doing something,” right?
January 2nd, 2008 — Uncategorized
Why is it that every time libertarianism comes up in a conversation, some statist buffoon inevitably asks ‘b-b-but what if the government stopped doing X or made Y legal?!!1!’ as if it’s some sort of amazing gotcha question? How hard is it to understand that we really don’t want the Federal government doing, well, much of anything really? Are most people really so helpless without a government bureaucrat to hold their hand that they simply can’t imagine anybody being able to do things on their own? Let alone the thought that some people might actually *gasp* want to make their own decisions and stuff.
Seriously. How do these people manage to make it through a day by themselves without walking in front of a bus or something?
As for the roads and education straw men that they always bring up as a smoke screen, do we really need the Feds to do that? Without even getting into privatization, public education is a disaster already in large part due to Federal interference. And roads, well, like 99% of them are actually built by State and local government agencies anyway. Why on earth are we paying the Feds to waste a large portion of the money in a bureaucratic (and pork-laden) maze before they hand it right back to the States which could have just done it all to begin with? It’s like they think DC is populated with fairies and elves.
But, yea, just think, these people will be voting in Presidential primaries starting tomorrow. What a depressing way to start the new year…
December 24th, 2007 — Uncategorized
This is just plain tragic. Long story short: Rather tasteless Myspace prank gets out of hand. Group of guys get together and form a lynch mob to go after the kid they think posted it. This group shows up at the kid’s house, shouting racial epithets and threatening to kill him. The kid’s father shoots one of them in the face amidst the confusion while trying to defend his son.
And now the father has been convicted of manslaughter and possession of an unlicensed handgun.
Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
Oh, and wait, it gets even more insane. Al Sharpton is up in arms about it too:
Angered by the ruling, the Rev. Al Sharpton vowed to take a stand against the “dangerous signal” sent bythe White verdict.
“Are we sending a signal that if you’re black in this country and you defend your home, that’s different than if you’re white?” he asked.
Sharpton contrasted White with Bernhard Goetz, who was celebrated as a “subway vigilante” after shooting four black youths who he thought were trying to rob him in 1984.
“Here’s someone who came to someone’s house to do harm and he defended himself,” Sharpton said of White. “Why is Goetz a society hero and John White is a demon?”
Umm, Al, you sanctimonious asshat, this exactly what you wanted! This is the end result of the very same anti-self-defense laws you’ve been trying to push on everybody– black or white –for years! You’ve been supporting racist gun laws for this long, and you’re only upset about it now?! Shouldn’t this verdict please you?
Grrr. I think my brain just exploded..
December 19th, 2007 — Uncategorized
Our Attorney General, Bob McDonnell, announced yesterday that Virginia will be joining the multi-state amicus against DC in the upcoming SCOTUS showdown over the Second Amendment.
Speaking about his decision to join an amicus brief supporting the individual right to bear arms, Attorney General McDonnell noted, “The right to bear arms secured in the Bill of Rights is a right “of the people.†We believe that our founders declared, in the Second Amendment, that American citizens have the personal right to bear arms as individuals.â€
McDonnell continued noting, “Attorney General Greg Abbott of Texas will file the lead brief with the Supreme Court in defense of this position. I have informed him that Virginia will join the multi-state amicus brief in support. The Heller case will likely be the most important Second Amendment case in American history. The result will have significant implications on individual liberty and the power of government. For this reason it is imperative that Virginia’s position on the fundamental individual right to bear arms is clearly articulated.â€
For those playing along at home, notice that he states this is about personal liberty and a fundamental individual right, but doesn’t mention a damn thing about hunting, “sporting purposes,” or some such. Brady Bunch folks should pay special attention to this, as we will be coming for 922(o) and 922(r) next.
And on that note, Bob McDonnell totally just won my vote in the 2009 Gubernatorial election.
December 19th, 2007 — Uncategorized
After decades of spreading the myth that the Second Amendment only applies to the state, it looks like the media (and the left in general) increasingly wants to apply that same “logic” to the First Amendment too. I.E., there’s a growing chorus who seem to think freedom of speech and freedom of the press should only belong to “authorized journalists” of some sort. Here’s a roundup of a few posts on the subject from today:
Over at Armed and Safe, 45superman tears into an article he found about online “extremism.” The general theme of which is that the government should regulate websites because the gun-control crowd doesn’t like people being able to counter their propaganda with facts and stuff.
David Codrea at The War on Guns posts about an editorial which takes it one step further, and calls for licensing the press to silence those pesky “citizen journalists.” The editorial in question tries to justify this tyranny with the apocryphal threat of hoaxes, and cries about how CNN and others must then debunk them. Does he mean the same CNN who quite regularly fabricates “news” on its own?
Speaking of hoaxes, GamePolitics is reporting that NY Governor Eliot Spitzer is using one (and inventing a few of his own) to support his effort to censor video games. Even if the government had the power to regulate speech on the internets, how would that help when they can’t even recognize obvious satire when it slaps them in the face? Let alone when said government makes up “facts.”
So, yea, between these, and the push from the left to bring back the so-called “fairness doctrine,” other attempts to censor video games (including at least one bill to regulate action games with religious themes), or newsman Tom Brokaw saying video games and blogs are “cancerous,†it seems to me that the anti-gun left and their media darlings really do hate the First Amendment as much as the Second. And at the same time, they expect us to believe Bush is the fascist.
Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot…