Snuffy, Wright, and Obama

Michelle Malkin is reporting that Rev. Michael “Snuffy” Pfleger has come out to shriek in support of Obama’s ex-pastor Jeremiah Wright. And shriek he does. Not content with trying to incite a mob to “drag” a gun retailer, gun owners, and pro-gun legislators into the street “like a rat” and “snuff them out,” he also doesn’t think anyone should be “allowed” to criticize Rev. Wright. Apparently he hates the First Amendment as much as the Second. Though I suppose these PC fascists kind of have to get rid of the Second before really going after the First.

Oh, and look, he’s endorsing Obama too. Surprise, surprise..

Now, before anyone moans about how it’s soooo unfair to judge the Obamamessiah by the company he keeps, let’s not forget how quick the left was to trash Ron Paul because some racist happened to donate some money to his campaign and because Lew Rockwell wrote some non-PC things in his newsletters. Naturally, I’ve probably associated with a few unsavory characters in the past as well. But, then, I’m not exactly expecting anyone to vote for me as President either.