Losing is Winning, Ignorance is Strength

Paul Helmke (or whoever writes it) has a comical post post on the Brady Bunch blog about Obama’s pandering to gun owners. It seems that in their upside down world, the fact that candidates are running away from them somehow means they’re winning. Or something.

If Senator Obama is “doing the gun dance,” then he’s in step with most of the American people. A recent poll by the Washington Post indicated that while 72% felt the Second Amendment provided an “individual right,” 59% also supported gun restrictions as strong as those in the District of Columbia.

Umm, no, that doesn’t mean Obama is in step with most people. It means he’s lying. His support for banning pretty much everything is kind of the exact opposite of an individual right. And, Paul (or whoever), doesn’t that 72% there indicate that your belief that an individual right is a “fantasy” place you in a rather small minority?

As for the second number from the cited poll, that was something of a trick question. By asking who supports an extreme total ban and a ostensibly innocuous trigger lock provision, it’s hard to say who favors what. Do the people who strongly support trigger locks mildly support a total ban? Did some people who somewhat oppose a ban and support locks split the difference? Or, for that matter, did the people who claimed to like locks realize that the law never allows you to unlock it? There are plenty of people out there who think such “safety” laws are “reasonable” until you explain to them just what they do..

Either way, the compound question was a bit like asking someone if they support kicking puppies and protecting babies from cannibals. Of course some people are going to say yes to avoid looking like they don’t “think of the children” or whatever.

Support for common sense gun control should be a vote-winning issue for most candidates.

Bwahahaha! Given that the Brady Bunch’s idea of “common sense” is banning everything short of fingers, I’d say that’s a big no. Besides, if it was a “vote-winning issue,” he wouldn’t be doing the “gun dance,” now, would he?

Sebastian at Snowflakes in Hell has more on the absurd notion that gun control is a vote-winning issue in Pennsylvania.